
Showing posts from 2021

“Finally got my girl…”

 “Finally got my girl,” the man said as he picked up the very well loved and used Ninja Turtle PowerWheel car from our driveway this morning. What was supposed to be a quick exchange of money and goods turned into a a full blown conversation. One sided of course. Ha! We will come back to this story.  I’m really beginning to wonder if I have a look about me. A look that says, “tell me whatever you’d like, ask no questions about my life, and then be on your merry way.” You see, I had already had two run ins with other men at the grocery store this week. Isn’t that enough??? By the way, there’s no significance of them being men… it happens with women as well. One man came up to me while I was looking at the delicious baked goods trying to decide what would be the best option for a fun dessert at home. Did I mention I was by myself. No children… No spending extra money because they ask for about 20 more things than I normally buy….just quiet alone shopping time. I’m not bitter tho...